With so many employees working remotely right now, it’s becoming harder to track productivity and understand how people are handling their workload. When you can’t physically check in with your employees, it’s reassuring to know that you’re working with the best employee monitoring software available.
There are multiple types of software on the market that allow employers to keep an eye on desktop activities, even when their employees are working from home. It’s important to make sure you’re utilizing these capabilities appropriately, though, rather than to “spy” on employees. (the old saying that with great power comes great responsibility)
Monitoring Employee Conversations on Chat
Messaging platforms are useful, whether you’re working in the office or remotely. They allow for easy and quiet collaboration, as well as occasional breaks from the monotony to chat with co-workers without disturbing others.
There are times where chat can be disruptive, though. If your employees are spending too much time chatting about non-work-related items or are committing HR violations using company channels, it can be problematic.
Some of the best employee monitoring software is available through messaging services. Management with access to these messages can see what employees are discussing and how they’re utilizing work resources. One thing to keep in mind is that it’s normal for employees to talk about things that aren’t work-related sometimes. Messaging platforms allow them to have “water cooler” chat without actually talking in person.
Some companies even encourage these mental breaks by creating channels specifically dedicated to fun articles, interesting information, and cat pictures. It’s all about balance.
Time Monitoring
Ever wondered how long a project takes to tackle from beginning to end? Or how much time your employees are spending on social media sites? The best employee marketing software will give you this information.
Some programs, like Teamwork or Zoho, allow employees to log time themselves so you can get an idea of time allowances for projects. If your employees log time manually, it’s critical for you to be able to trust the people working for you. Make sure you encourage honesty and let them know that you’re having them log this time so you can get an idea of appropriate pricing and staffing.
As for automatic monitoring, other software can track the time your employees spend actively using various websites or computer programs. This type of tracking isn’t limited to just work devices, either. As long as a device is connected to your network, you can see how long employees are spending working vs using leisure sites or apps.
The Best Employee Monitoring Software for Seeing Everything
There aren’t many instances when you need to see every single keystroke an employee makes. This is especially true if employees are allowed to use their company devices at home. When you monitor every second of someone’s day, it can foster distrust.
However, if your business requires extreme discretion on the part of your employees or they’re handling sensitive information, you may need to work with the most comprehensive and best employee monitoring software on the market.
At J&P PC Solutions, we can help set you up with the right type of desktop monitoring software for your business. Just give us a call at 443-588-5808 or contact us on the website for more information.