Here are copies of an Email scam a client received today. Always stay vigilant and keep an eye out on email security and for email scams.
First email:
I need to run something by you real quick. Let me know if you’re available now. I’m heading into a meeting now so just respond to my e-mail. I anticipate a response.
Sent from my iPad
Second email:
I need some couple of gift cards for our clients. How soon can you get them? Let me advice the type of gift cards and amount.
Third email:
Get on the cards immediately – I need Apple iTunes gift cards of $100 denominations of $1,800 worth. i.e, $100 X 18 cards. Also, purchasing them from one store might be impossible so you will need to try out more than one store to get all the cards. Scratch the cards and e-mail the codes to me here and kindly keep the physical cards. I will be here if anything.
If you ever get an email scam like this first of all, verify that the contact name matches the correct email address. In this case the name said Dave V but the email address was definitely not his correct email address. Unless you want to screw with them and leave them hanging I suggest you delete and ignore.